Questions: Contact Parish Office at (803) 329-2662 ext. 2 or click the link “More Information” to email to ask more information about service opportunities at Saint Anne Parish: MORE INFORMATION
Pastoral Planning
• Parish Finance Council Members – Council members are parishioners with a background in finances and accounting. The members of the council provide input, feedback and monitoring of the budget of St. Anne Church and School. The council meets once a month (third week Thursday) to evaluate and discuss the financial status of church and school. It receives monthly financial reports to oversee all the actual income and expenses and to make sound decisions about future budgets. Members are asked to serve two years and another two years if desired.
• Parish Council Members – Members of the Parish Council are asked to serve a three-year term as the eyes, ears and voice of Saint Anne’s community. The members pass along the needs and desires of the parishioners to the pastor so that he is enabled to make better decisions. Each year three new members join the council in January after a nomination and approval process. The council, which meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month, currently consists of Pastor, Parochial Vicar, nine parishioners and five ex-officio members.
• Stewardship Committee Members – The Stewardship Committee seeks to empower the heart and soul of the parishioners via active participation in the community life of Saint Anne Parish. The committee works to encourage parishioners to be active members of the parish giving their time, talent and treasure to enable the community to flourish for years to come.
Office Support
• Collection Counters – The Collection Counters meet weekly on Monday mornings to count the donations from the previous weekend, Holy Days of Obligation, and eventual parish fundraising. All members are vetted before join the group. (2 to 3 hours per week)
• Office Assistants – Office Assistants aid the secretary with various office duties. Our office hours are Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Assistants aren’t required to stay all day long. You can serve one or two hours a week. The type of work varies from answering the phone, handling office paper work, mailing, filing, and more. (3 hours per day)
Maintenance Committee
• Physical Plant Maintenance Assistants – Individuals who are able to perform odd jobs, as needed, serve to maintain the safety and beauty of the parish buildings. Handy skills to have are knowledge of carpentry, gardening, plumbing, painting, and/or electrical wiring.
Liturgical Ministries
Liturgical Ministers serve the community during the Eucharistic Liturgy, the Mass. This area is for people who are fully initiated (except for acolyte and choir members) and have an aptitude for public speaking, singing, quick-thinking, smiling and leadership. Each of these ministries does require some pre-Mass preparation. Training is provided for all of the listed ministries.
Altar Severs – Assist the priest during the Mass. (1 hour per liturgy)
Extraordinary Ministers – Assist the priest in the distribute of communion to the congregation. (1 hour per liturgy)
Greeters – Welcome people in the church front door and distribute bulletins in the end of the Mass. (1 hour per liturgy)
Lectors – Bring the Word of God alive for the assembly. (1 hour per liturgy)
Music Ministry – Members lead the community in song as choir member, cantor and instrumentalist, all under the direction of the Music Director. (1 hour per liturgy)
Ushers – Welcome people into the sanctuary, distribute worship aids, assist late arrivals to locate a seat, take up the collection. (1 hour per liturgy)
Liturgy Related Areas
Altar Guild – Members are caretakers of the church altar cloths and other linens used throughout the year, washing and ironing as needed. They work under the supervision of the Church Sacristan. (2 hours each scheduled time)
Environment Committee – Members enrich the worship space of our community with liturgically appropriate decorations. The committee arranges flowers, hangs banners and provides ideas for the church environment. Members work under the supervision of the clergy.
Welcoming Committee – Members keep parishioners and visitors informed about activities, events and services in the parish. They also plan and organize year round parish wide events. (2 hours per month)
Outreach Ministries
• Homebound Ministers – Extraordinary Ministers to the Homebound visit and bring the Holy Eucharist to our parishioners who are unable to attend Mass. This ministry is indispensable to our parish. All fully initiated parishioners are invited to be homebound ministers. (1 hour per visit)
• Funeral Luncheon – Members are asked to organize, set up and clean up receptions after Funeral Services in the parish and occasionally in mourners houses. This is rewarding ministry as one may have the opportunity to console and care for our extended families. (2 hours per event)
• Thanksgiving Dinner – This team of energetic and life giving people is responsible for putting together Thanksgiving meals to be delivered to members of the Rock Hill community. The coordinators will make sure all volunteers have proper instructions of what to do. (3 hours)
Religion Education Programs
• Catechists – In general, catechists are witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Initial training will be provided with periodic follow-up training and formation sessions. Individuals may choose to work in the following areas: sacramental preparation, on-going Faith Formation and Confirmation for children, youth group or adult enrichment catechesis. (60 hours per year)
• VBS – Adults are invited to participate as volunteers in the Vacation Bible Study. We need help coordinating several of the areas and also just need extra hands in decorations, games, snacks, crafts, Bible stories and many other ways. The options are endless! Not sure if you are qualified? No problem! A background check and proof of attendance at a VIRTUS Workshop are all that are required. You will have plenty of resources and training to enable you to have a fun filled time. Let God use you at VBS. You will be amazed how much it blessed you! (8 hours)
• Sacramental Sponsors – They are like a “Friend to a new Catholic” who accompany the RCIA candidate into Catholic Christianity. They have the option to attend the formation classes or just coming to Mass with the candidate.
• Scripture Study Facilitators – They facilitate discussions and study of our sacred scriptures. Currently, three Scripture Study groups meet on a regular basis, and others may be formed as desired. Vatican II encouraged Catholics to read and study the Bible. As a guide, you will be asked to prepare sessions. This preparation alone will enhance your knowledge of the Word of God. Preparatory materials are available. (2 hours per session)
Prayer Ministries
• Small Christian Community Facilitator – This facilitator position is integral to the development and maintenance of Small Christian Communities or Home Churches. This ministry can greatly enhance the life of a parish community. Groups are formed at any time.
• Perpetual Adoration – Members are required to be adorers for at least one entire hours. There are 168 hours in a week. Can you stay with the Lord in the Perpetual Adoration Chapel for one hour a week? (as many hours as you sign-up)
Saint Anne School
• School Council – Members assist the School Administration Leadership Team to further the mission of the school. They serve in a two years term with an option to serve another term consecutively. (4 hours per month)
• PSA – The Parents and Students Association is part of the School Council. PSA members serve as a support committee to the staff and faculty in many ways, such as fundraising scrips, volunteers, classrooms helpers, etc.
Ministries Wish List
The following are service opportunities that the parish would like to see happen. Could you be interested in starting one of these services?
• Young Adults – Coordinators will arrange, schedule, promote and facilitate periodic young adult events. These events may include book review/discussions, Scriptures study/discussions, movie review/discussions, or speaker/topical issue discussions which take place on the church campus or offsite.
• Bereavement – Members receive training and periodic formation regarding bereavement meetings and related issues. They are also to plan and organize the All Souls Celebration in the church.
• Children Liturgy of the Word – Members lead the children in their own celebration of the Word of God. There is training and material available for those interested in leading our children after they have been properly vetted. This is not baby sitting for children. Parents would be encouraged to take turns in leading the celebrations during Sunday 10:30am.
• Returning Catholics Series Facilitators – Schedule, promote and host this series of weekly discussions surrounding the reasons people may leave the church, reasons to return to the church and things that have changed in their absence. We have educational resources available.
• Parish Book Club – The purpose is o build community through the shared experience of great stories.
The U.S. Bishops Pastoral Letter, Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response, introduces the subject of stewardship on the foundation of these three primary convictions:
- Mature disciples make a conscious, firm decision, carried out in action, to be followers of Jesus Christ no matter the cost to themselves.
- Beginning in conversion, change of mind and heart, this commitment is expressed not in a single action, nor even in a number of actions over a period of time, but in an entire way of life. It means committing one’s very self to the Lord.
- Stewardship is an expression of discipleship, with the power to change how we understand and live out our lives. Disciples who practice stewardship recognize God as the origin of life, the giver of freedom, the source of all they have and are and will be. They know themselves to be recipients and caretakers of God’s many gifts. They are grateful for what they have received and eager to cultivate their gifts out of love for God and one another.
These three statements from the U.S. Bishops summarize the “big picture” of stewardship and the ideal we should be moving toward. Saint Anne Parish offers these service opportunities to you as one of the means you can use to cultivate your talents and use them to enrich this community of faith.
Questions: Contact Parish Office at (803) 329-2662 ext. 2 or click the link “More Information” to email to ask more information about service opportunities at Saint Anne Parish: MORE INFORMATION