

“Our spiritual health is very much dependent on how repentant we are of our sins”

No matter how far afield we go in our faith journey, through God’s mercy and forgiveness, we can always begin again. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated each Saturday from 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM or by appointment with one of our priests. Call the Parish Office at (803) 329-2662.

First Reconciliation

It is extremely important that our children come to understand the forgiving nature of our Lord. Our goal is to enable the children to experience God’s loving embrace and awesome mercy. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is an important step in preparing them for their First Eucharist. We typically prepare children at the second grade level for this sacrament. Contact Mrs. Elena Ziegler, Director of Religious Education, to inquire about your child’s preparation for First Reconciliation.

Reconciliation Day & Penance Service

The next Reconciliation Day & Penance Service will be announced in the Parish Bulletin and in the website Homepage. For those who find an evening Penance Service difficult to attend, we have confessors available from 7:30am until 8:30pm during the Reconciliation Day. There will be more priests available for confession in the evening.


Absolution – Comes from a Latin word which means “to wash.” Just like Baptism, penance washes away our personal sins.

Act of Contrition – A prayer that says we are sorry for doing wrong and that we want to be better.

Contrition – Being sorry for doing what is wrong.

Confession – Telling Jesus our sins in the Sacrament of Reconciliation so that He will take them away.

Penance – Saying prayers and doing good in order to make up for the wrong we have done.

Conscience – The ability to know the difference between right and wrong.

Free Will – The power to choose good over wrong.

Examination of Conscience – Thinking about all the decisions that you have made about what is right and wrong.

Mortal Sin – Serious wrong-doing that breaks our relationship with God or other people.

Venial Sin – Wrong-doing that weakens our relationship with God or other people.

Temptation – A thought or feeling about doing something wrong.

Amendment – A desire to be better and make up for the wrong you have done.

Covenant – An agreement to live in a faithful, loving relationship.

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