Parish Ministries

Parish Office
(803) 329 2662
7(803) 329 2190
Rev. Dr. Joseph F. Pearce,
CO. Pastor
(803) 371-2545
Father Louis Pham, CO
Parochial Vicar
Deacon Ray Moore
(803) 627 1517
Deacon Andrew DaSilva
(803) 526 9700
Deacon Ted Clement
(704) 747 9388
Deacon Jim Hyland
(803) 517 9196
Deacon John Hall
Parish Business Manager
Gloria Escobar
Office Assistant
Ms. Margie Blair
Facilities & Operations
Mrs. Elena Ziegler
Director of Religion
(803) 372 5865
Mrs. Sarah Gualteros
Youth Minister and
(803) 372 5808
Mr. Robert Martin
Family Life Center
Call to schedule meetings
(803) 448 0405
Parish Pastoral Council
Father Joe, Fr. Louis Phạm
Deacon John Hall
Angel Juarez,
Amanda Gonzalez
Tim Dreke, Thi Le
Elena Ziegler, Stephen
Marchetti, Jeanne Musgrove.
Andy Shene
Peggy Grobusky
Parish Finance Council
Mark Eddie (Chair)
Father Joe, Deacon John,
Andrew Shene, John Kelly,
David Grimm, Jack Bray.
Building Committee
Jack Bray
(803) 324 1198
Stewardship Committee
Charlie Grobusky
(803) 366 1501
Fellowship Committee
Pat Swoope
(803) 329 3439
Ministers Altar Servers
Elena Ziegler
(803) 504-6826
Greeters & Ushers
Pat Gann
(803) 370 0663
International Festival
Thi Le (Committee Chair)
(803) 792 1442
(803) 370-0382

Safe Environment
Safe Environment
Elena Ziegler
The policy requires any adult
who has regular contact with
children or vulnerable adults
and all employees of the
Church to attend awareness
training, be background
screened, sign a volunteer
employee code of conduct and
acknowledgment of receipt of
our diocesan policy.
Religious Education
We recognize that faith
formation is an ongoing,
life-long journey. From the
very young to the more
mature, we continue to grow
in our faith and deepen our
relationship with God. We
offer various opportunities for
religious education and
spiritual growth for all ages.
Rite of Christian
Initiation for Adults
Elena Ziegler
Baptism Class is on the first
Thursday of the month at 7pm.
Contact the office
to schedule a class.
Deacon Ray Moore
(803) 627 1517
Holy Communion
Please call the Parish Office
for Communion to be brought
to the homebound, the sick
or the hospitalized.
Deacon Ray Moore
(803) 627 1517
Bride and Groom must
meet with the pastor a
minimum of one year prior to
intended date of
Holy Orders
If you feel a call to be a priest,
deacon, religious brother
or sister, please contact
our pastor or deacons.
Anointing of the Sick
If you are in need of this
sacrament, talk to the priest
after Mass or contact the
Parish Office to make
Arrangements for a visit.
St. Martha’s Circle
Gift Shop
Eileen Klawes
Therese Estrada
(704) 577 0200
Music Director
Jermaine Evans
(803) 517 4537
Sound Board
Gabriel Rogelio-Chavez
(704) 361 3414
& Angel Juarez
(803) 389 7771
Wedding Advisor
Diane Hinton
(803) 366 6652

School Office
‘ (803) 324 4814
7 (803) 324 0189
Pastor and Headmaster
Rev. Joseph F. Pearce, CO
Lower School Chaplain
Father Louis Pham, CO
High School Chaplain
V. Rev. Fabio Refosco, CO
Interim Principal K-12
Mrs. Julie Peter
Mrs. Mary King
Director of Advancement
Mrs. Tonia Bohnen
Facilities & Operations
Margie Blair
Angie Wells
School Council
Beth Hart
Congregation of
The Oratory
of Saint Philip Neri
434 Charlotte Ave
(803) 327 2097
Center for Spirituality
Brother Joe Guyon
Center Director
(803) 327 2097
Judy Gritzmacher
(803) 327 2097
Apostles of Divine Mercy
Rebecca Howell
(803) 366 3632
Respect For Life
Jason Williamson
(803) 417 3351
Geary Bradley
(803) 367 2430
St. Anne
(803) 329 2662
Bereavement Ministry
Elena Ziegler
(803) 372 5865
Funeral Reception
Marie DePersia
Perpetual Adoration St. Anne
(803) 329 2662
Robin Lara(803) 985 3850
We need new substitutes
to add to our list.
We ask that you consider
volunteering as a substitute.

Vietnamese Ministry
Fr. Louis Pham
(803) 329 2662
Boy Scouts
Scott McMillian
(704) 724 4133
Cub Scouts
Bobby Willis, Jr.
(803) 985 5584
Girl Scouts
Paula McMillan
(803) 207 4458
Dorothy Day
Soup Kitchen
Catherine Sullivan
(803) 372-8523
Family Promise
Karen Gregory
(803) 487 0573
Knights of Columbus
Mark Eddie
Grand Knight
(803) 579 4499
Men’s Leadership Group
Dan Trick
(740) 602 0867
St. Vincent DePaul
Pat Gann
(803) 370 0663
Linh Mục Quản Nhiệm:
Fr. Louis Phạm Đăng
Quang C.O.
Rửa Tội:
Là thành viên của giáo xứ,
tham dự khóa hướng dẫn
trước ngày rửa tội. Liên
lạc giáo xứ
(803) 329-2662 bấm số 3
Hôn Phối:
Cần phải tham dự khóa
dự bị hôn nhân 1 năm
trước ngáy lễ cưới theo
luật địa phận. Xin liên lạc
cha Joe. Tập dợt lễ cưới
xin liên lạc Diane Hinton
(803) 366-6652
Giáo Lý:
Liên lạc B.
Elena Ziegler
(803) 329-2662 bấm số 4 –
Thêm Sức & Giới Trẻ
(Youth Group): Liên lạc B.
Sarah Gualteros
(803) 372-5808

Presidente del Ministerio
Robin Lara
(704) 323 9530
Gloria Janet Escobar
(803) 329 2662 Ext. 3
Adoración al Santísimo
Robin Lara
(704) 323 9530
Llamar a La Oficina
(803) 329 2662
Gerardo Arroyo
(803) 412 1859
Maria Elena Guerrero
(803) 980 1310
Caballeros de Colon
Jorge Gil
(704) 352 8206
Denise Kizer,
(803) 324 8260
Comunidades de Base
Julio Salvacion
(803) 448 9719
Ignacio Serrano
(704) 200 0744
Clementina Garcia
(803) 448 4417
Emaus (hombres)
Joaquin Serrano
(704) 322 8919
Emaus (mujeres)
Erika Roman
(803) 324 9784
Grupo de Oración
Rodrigo Garcia
(803) 448 1474
Valeria Muro
(803) 487 2345
Lectores (juveniles)
Viviana Quiroz
(803) 371 7655
Legion de Maria
Gloria Lira
(803) 242 4546
Gloria Escobar
(803) 372-5861
Alejandro Juarez
(803) 389 7771
Ministerio de Eucaristia
Luis Lozano
(803) 371 7210
Coi Juarez
(803) 242 2985
Coro de Niños
Betty de la Cruz
(803) 371 2354

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