Welcome to our Faith community!
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the entry point for many into our faith community and goes back to the very beginning of the Church. In the first several centuries A.D., new believers entered into a type of apprenticeship. It is our hope that, much like those early apprentices, the RCIA process will let us grow as a community and be transformed by the person of Jesus Christ.
Our lives are a journey to God until the day when we all join together in our eternal home and worship the Lord face-to-face. You are among friends. As we build community through our RCIA sessions, it becomes clear that we all have times of doubt, fear, and frustration. During RCIA, we come together to look at our lives in light of the Gospel so that we can embrace a fuller discipleship of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
There are many reasons people decide that they are interested in becoming a Catholic. It makes no difference if you have been raised in another denomination, have no church affiliation or experience or even if you were never baptized. You may have started out Catholic but never completed your initiation with the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. RCIA is the process by which we welcome and prepare adults to enter the Catholic faith.
The RCIA process is sensitive to your needs before you make any commitment to the Catholic Church. Below you will find the full process divided into periods for the unbaptized:
- Period of Inquiry: What is the Catholic faith all about? Am I called to embrace it? What difference does the gospel of Jesus Christ make in my life? This is a time we look forward to meeting you and answering any questions you may have. No commitments are made or expected at this time.
- Period of the Catechumenate: A time to grow in prayer and mature in faith. Presentations are given on the Catholic faith and then connected to Scripture to see how it impacts our lives.
- Period of Enlightenment: Coinciding with the season of Lent, this time is devoted to prayer, a Lenten retreat and final preparation for those who will celebrate the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist at the Easter Vigil.
- Period of Mystagogy: The living out of Catholic faith through parish involvement. We explore how to become a real part of parish life at Saint Anne Parish.
As mentioned above, the RCIA is sensitive to your needs. So, the extent and the requirements of the process are adapted for the baptized of other denominations.
Is The Time Right For You?
Why not make the time to come and see how God works in your life. The only regret you may have is that you didn’t do it earlier! Obviously, only you can answer this question but is there ever a good time to add another commitment or meeting to our incredibly busy lives? Bottom line… we all make time for what is most important to us! For further information please call Mrs. Elena Ziegler at (803) 329 2662 ext.4